Yes, hypnotherapy can be amazingly powerful at helping people to make the changes they want to make in their lives. However it is not a miracle cure, it still requires work and commitment on your part. I don’t snap my fingers and ‘cure’ you. It is a partnership where I myself and the client work together to overcome an issue.
You know smoking is bad for you, yet feel unable to stop? Understand all about what a healthy diet ‘should’ be, but find yourself reaching for the biscuit tin? Do you know that, really, spiders pose no real threat, yet feel terrified to go near them?
Has an event or experience from your past been holding you back for years? Most of our thoughts, feelings and behaviours originate in the subconscious mind and they are happening automatically with not much control by us. If you have any issue that relates to the way you think or feel about things, or a behaviour or habit, it’s worth discussing if hypnotherapy could help you.
Hypnosis uses the power of your subconscious mind and your imagination to make it easy to make the changes you want to your life. If you’re ready to make some changes the hardest part is making the decision to do something about it – get in touch to discuss how.
One of the most common questions. Anyone can be hypnotised if they want to be. We experience this natural state of mind all the time; if you’ve ever day dreamed, or become so absorbed in a book or film that you lose track of time, you have experienced a state similar to hypnosis. People cannot, however, be hypnotised if they don’t want to be, since the individual remains in control at all times.
It feels great! It is a pleasant, relaxing and enjoyable experience. Some clients describe it as being like an enjoyable daydream, and some enjoy it so much that they want to stay for longer in that relaxed state. You remain aware and in control at all times and leave relaxed yet alert. You remain relaxed and in control throughout. You are always in charge; the therapist only facilitates this process. During hypnotherapy, you will not be made to do anything you do not want to do. Hypnotherapy differs from stage hypnotism in that hypnotherapy empowers the client and the client’s best interests are at heart. It’s a feeling of relaxed focus, a bit like daydreaming.
For most issues, my clients are happy with the results after around 4 sessions. It can really depend on the complexity of the problem and the number of sessions that can be agreed upon by the client and myself together. Therapy will be completed when you feel ready and have achieved the results you desire. How do sessions generally run? Usually, the first session is an initial assessment; it’s important to find out as much information as possible and to find the root cause of what you’re experiencing so that a treatment plan can be tailored especially for you. After that, during hypnosis, your conscious mind will get into a relaxed state and I will give your subconscious mind helpful suggestions designed to help you to make positive changes.
NO! You still have free will in hypnosis. You cannot say or do anything that is against your morals or core beliefs. You cannot be hypnotized against your will. Therapeutic hypnosis is used to improve your health and well-being and is different from stage hypnosis which is used for entertainment purposes only. Hypnosis is not a control state, it is a complacent, fully relaxed state for the mind and body to examine and shift its behaviour and perspective in life.
My approach is caring and effective and I enjoy excellent results. My goal is to support you in reaching your goal in the shortest time possible to produce long-lasting change that gets to the root of the issues your experiencing. Your needs always come first and you will be listened to and treated as an individual. I am here for you.